
What is a Balanced Life?

Though many of us know the need to balance life, many questions confront us from time to time. How to balance personal and professional life? How to live a balanced life as a woman or a man? How to improve work-life balance? What are the benefits of balanced life? What are the pillars of balanced life? And many more… Some of us look for balancing life quotes to get answers not otherwise easily available. But very few of us have the full picture of what is a balanced life.

Table of Contents

what is a balanced life: an overview

7 Colours of the Rainbow of Life: WIRSHEF

W for Work – both personal and professional

I for Myself – in all aspects of Personal Development

R for Relationships – covering all types of human relationships

S for Spiritualism – covering the abstract aspects of our being

H for Health – covering both preventive and curative aspects of our health

E for Environment – covers environmental awareness and action

F for Finances – covering personal finance in all dimensions

Life is a complex journey which can be confusing for many of us at times. Lost within these complexities, we struggle and flounder, losing sight of our most precious goals: Peace, Joy, Love and Wisdom. So, does it mean that we will never get them? Fortunately, there is an answer to it: live a balanced life. Just add colours to the Rainbow of Life!

Just as a rainbow has seven equally important colours, our life also consists of seven dimensions, all equally important. To experience true happiness and inner peace, it’s essential to give each of these dimensions enough attention. Imagine what happens if one or more colours become weak or simply disappear from a rainbow – it no longer remains a rainbow, and the beautiful fusion of colours doesn’t create white light anymore. The same applies when we neglect certain dimensions of our life; it ceases to be complete and fulfilling. Such a life will never lead to lasting peace and happiness we all aspire to achieve.

So, what are the seven dimensions of life? It’s WIRSHEF, simply an acronym. Let’s elaborate now.

A woman at work with coffee cup writing in her notebook

1. Work: The first letter of the word ‘WIRSHEF.’ Work here encompasses all sorts of tasks we perform in our personal and professional lives. From chopping vegetables in the kitchen to completing the most demanding office project, it all falls under the category of work. So, we all work, don’t we?

The aim of emphasizing this ‘W’ is to Work in the Manner we should – efficiently and without stress. When we talk about efficient work, we want to be productive with minimal effort. When we discuss working stress-free, we aim at finding happiness in our work. However, none of these come automatically.

  • We first need to cultivate a positive attitude and acquire a growth mindset to overcome the numerous challenges we encounter.
  • We must set clear goals and work diligently to achieve them. And suddenly, we have in front of us, a smooth path leading towards accomplishment of our goals.
  • We need to continuously acquire new knowledge and skills, not just to excel or stay afloat but also to cater to the needs of our ever-expanding brain capacity. Remember, our brain either grows or shrinks; it never remains the same!
  • We need to learn to manage time effectively. Suddenly you see that you’re accomplishing many tasks without feeling overwhelmed.
  • Striking the right balance between personal and professional work is crucial; it’s the most important goal for achieving a work-life balance.
  • We must learn the art of dedicating time to recreation. It is necessary to protect us from potential burnout.
I, myself or self. A woman seeing herself back as a witness

2. I: Yes, you read it right, it is the big ‘I’. You may also read it as ‘me’, ‘myself’ or even the ‘self’. How much importance do we place on ourselves? Well, for many of us who consider ourselves ‘responsible,’ we often have very little Me-Time. That hurts. Hurts deep within. Remember, personal growth is the very foundation on which our meaningful life stands. Neglect it, and everything crumbles with time. So, what needs to be done? A lot. But, to start with, here are some of the things that could help:

  • Cultivating self-awareness. No, not out in the sun! You do it at home through mindfulness practices like introspection and meditation. Sometimes, you might also need a pen and paper or a notepad to jot things down for reflection.
  • Nurture your individuality by engaging in creative pursuits. Let your mind soar, and you’ll move closer to fulfilling your innate need for self-actualization. This is a frequently overlooked need that often cries out from deep within us. But, we fail to listen to it, drowned in the noise of life.
  • Learning impulse control. Addressing the conflict between Id, Ego and Superego. Does it sound too technical? Well, putting simply, it is about delaying gratification. Resist the urge to respond to every craving, and your entire life will transform. If you find this difficult to digest or attain, it’s a sign that you need to go deeper into this. It’s a well-established psychological fact. Find more about it.
Relationships: a group of people showing their hands as a show of solidarity

3. Relationships: The third letter, ‘R.’ Well, we’re all in relationships from birth to death. Being ‘social’ is the default setting for us humans. We also need intimate relationships; these are our legitimate needs. However, the extent to which we value them varies greatly. Sometimes, due to compulsion or out of sheer ignorance, we neglect or even trash this aspect. Even for those who recognize its importance and maintain it despite the challenges, they often do so poorly, leading to more heartache. So, addressing this dimension involves two essential aspects: prioritizing relationships and enhancing their quality. Here are some ways to do this:

  • Cultivating empathy and unconditional acceptance. Acquire it and see the magic that unfolds in dealing with all your relationships, including the most toxic ones.
  • Nurturing family life by investing quality time and engaging in deeper communication.
  • Stay connected with friends and acquaintances, engaging with the larger community and taking up social responsibilities. The periodicity of these actions will, of course, depend on your goals and priorities.
Spiritualism and Mind Power. Palms enclosing a rising sun as a mark of channelizing energy

4. Spiritualism: Adding depth and meaning to life with the fourth letter, ‘S’. We’re not discussing any particular brand of spiritualism, as they can differ significantly worldwide. Instead, we’ll try and focus on elements that align closely with scientific reality.

  • Practicing mindfulness through meditation and contemplation, discovering joy in the present moment.
  • Embracing a sense of gratitude and contentment.
  • Seeking a connection of yourself with the grand universal self. A powerful way to raise your mind power.
Health: A man jogging on the road

5. Health:

The fifth letter, ‘H’. We have only one body and one life; there are no spares available at the moment. Moreover, the connection between mind and body is something we cannot afford to ignore. Here’s something we need to do:

  • Increase priority of regular exercising and a balanced diet. These two go hand in hand to ensure our overall well-being.
  • Learn more about preventive healthcare and available home remedies. While conventional treatments exist, they are often costly and come with various side effects. Moreover, they may not address the root cause of many diseases. That’s why the best approach to combat illness is to prevent it in the first place. But wait! We’re not suggesting you to stress or obsess about your health. When you practice other dimensions in a balanced way, you’ll naturally incorporate this one as a part of your internal discipline.
  • Engaging in sports and other physical activities not only preserves your health but, more importantly, directly promotes stress reduction due to their entertaining and interactive nature. Staying regularly involved in sporting activities is one of the best ways to stay youthful and vibrant.
Environment: a small plant in a broken glass bowl symbolic of our fragile environment

6. Environment:

The sixth letter, ‘E’. Thanks to the over-enthusiasm of some sections of environmental activists, this word might seem a bit clichéd to some of us. But we can’t afford to ignore the reality. The world is degenerating rapidly. Our future generations won’t be able to survive without essential resources like oxygen, water, and food. They can’t endure extreme heat & cold or drought & flooding. The development we’ve achieved so far is remarkable, but its adverse impact on our planet and our future are already too big now. 

A quarter-century ago, what appeared to be distant future predictions in terms of climate change now seems to be upon us. The projections we see for the future are beyond imagination. Already, it might be late, but let’s start now to conserve whatever we are left with.

  • Start by supporting organizations and causes dedicated to genuine environmental issues.
  • Cultivate environmental awareness and adopt sustainable development practices. Starting points include reducing waste, conserving resources, and making eco-friendly choices whenever possible.
  • Join hands with community initiatives involving environmental conservation.
Finances: plants growing out of stacks of coins symbolic of wealth creation with time

7. Finances: The seventh letter, ‘F’. Last but certainly not the least. It doesn’t need explaining why money is important. Unfortunately, many people are still struggling with poverty. While it’s natural to point fingers at others for our financial difficulties, blaming others doesn’t solve problems. We need to find our own solutions, right? No one will make us rich just by listening to our cries. We must help ourselves. Once you start taking action, you’ll realize why blaming or feeling jealous of others for your financial situation was unproductive. Here are a few things to know:

  • Broadly speaking, there are three phases, and we all find ourselves in one of them relating to our financial position. First is the struggle phase when we are unable to meet even our basic existential needs like food, clothing, shelter, education, etc. The second phase is where we are comfortable with our needs but do not have a huge surplus. The third phase is the aspirational phase where we aim to generate a substantial surplus beyond our consumption needs. Each phase has its own challenges and lessons, of which we should be adequately aware.
  • Budget wisely and cut expenses sensibly. Allocate a portion of your income for savings, even if it’s a small percentage, and then invest those savings thoughtfully. The results may take time to materialize, but they will come for sure. Remember, regardless of your ambitions or belief in your abilities, you should SAVE and INVEST a portion of your current income as soon as it lands into your hands.
  • Diversify your income sources and seek opportunities to increase your earnings. If possible, put most or all your additional income in savings. Focus on developing passive income streams and be prepared to put in the initial effort to make them operational.
  • Consider philanthropy to align your wealth with your values. Keep in mind that many services beneficial to humanity wouldn’t exist without the support of donors. Philanthropy is primarily a mindset and should be cultivated. The question of how much to give comes only after that and depends on your willingness to share. However, SAY NO to misplaced charity that weakens rather than empowers people. Also, exercise due diligence to prevent your money from falling into the hands of fraudsters.

So, there goes the answer to your query: What is a balanced life? Colour the rainbow of life! Painting it with the seven colours can be an enjoyable journey. It fills the empty spaces in our lives, creating a sense of fulfilment and contentment. Perfection in every dimension isn’t possible or required, but finding the right balance is essential. It’s a balance that is in tune with our individual unique journey of life. But even after knowing all this, there may be challenges that awaits us on the way. Let’s discuss a couple of them.

challenges in striking a balance in life

Obstacles coming our way. A group of men making way through a hurdle

a) Obstacles: Life often presents us with urgencies that forces us to change priorities of things at hand. Under the circumstances, we may need to temporarily put aside important things to address pressing issues. However, this shift is temporary, and we MUST return to our default balance as soon as the urgent matter is resolved. Situations like these will keep presenting themselves in everyone’s life from time to time. There is nothing to be worried or frustrated of. The important thing is to have the resilience to quickly spring back to this routine once the pressing challenge is disposed. With more knowledge and practice, managing these shifts becomes easier and more straightforward, and the process of returning to our stable self becomes smoother.

Our belief: A man walking through a lonely road towards hope and light

b) Our Belief: For a newbie, this list may suddenly appear too long. Some of you may even doubt whether it is indeed important to cover all the dimensions at all. In the latter case, the answer is a straightforward YES. For those in the earlier category, you do not need to know everything about everything. It is a long and gradual process of education and application and takes considerable time. It is a journey of life. Giving this time is a joy though. With every little progress you make, you will see considerable changes pouring in. As you progress along the path, contentment and fulfilment comes to your side along with increased efficiency in life.

Though you don’t need to know everything, but surely, you need to know something about them all. Avoid neglecting any dimension entirely, as it can adversely impact your overall quality of life. Begin by increasing awareness and exploring the things that are most relevant to and align with your preferences and needs. Some dimensions will require more work than others but let it all come along as fun. Just enjoy the variety and thrill our human life presents us along this fascinating journey.

With the answer to the question ‘What is a balanced life?’ now clearer, it is time to work on it. Let the journey begin, and the sooner it is, the better. In this era of a shrinking world, finding information shouldn’t be too difficult, right? Yet, the challenge lies in whether the information is of high quality and organized enough to be effective. It is your responsibility to look for them around from reliable sources and slowly make your life more and more beautiful. MindAtop, too, hosts features and resources that may be beneficial in your journey. Good Luck!


By seeking to balance life, we eliminate the risks of violent fluctuations in our well-being. On the one hand we eliminate instant gratification (which we often misunderstand to be happiness) and on the other, we also eliminate grievous pains that alternate with such gratifications. By eliminating gratification and pains we are not making our life dull. On the other hand, by doing that, we are constantly immersed in a state of permanent happiness. In fact, it is easier to move closer to the 4 essential goals of life: Peace, Joy, Love and Wisdom. Seeking to balance our life is just like seeking to extend the size and depth of a ship. The vagaries of situation lead to much lesser impact on a balanced self just as the effect of a sea storm on a big and heavy ship in comparison to a small and light vessel.

It is easy to figure this out. Any form of struggles in our life that lead to misery are a result of loss of balance in life. Nasty situations or persons come in everyone’s life. But the impact they have on someone is entirely based on the balance the person is in. So, the reverse is also true. If we find ourselves upset, the reason is that we are off balance even though the other person or situation appears to be the obvious reasons for our misery.

The first thing to do is to learn what contributes to balancing life. This article touches the issue in a nutshell. But each of the seven dimensions discussed here are deep and diverse. One needs to dig deeper and build on the dimensions where there is inadequacy. As we cover up the inadequacies in various dimensions, our life steadily gets enriched and more and more fulfilled. The good thing is that every significant improvement in any dimension brings in a wave of freshness which energises life. We continue to get unending waves of freshness and energy as we go along enriching ourselves in this big journey of life.

The answer is much the same as answer to the query of ‘What to do when we are feeling out of balance in life’. As a woman you may have different sets of roles and responsibilities or different psychological make-up. You must find your areas of focus within the seven dimensions depending on your needs and circumstances and work on them.

The answer is much the same as answer to the query of ‘What to do when we are feeling out of balance in life’. As a man you may have different sets of roles and responsibilities or different psychological make-up. You must find your areas of focus within the seven dimensions depending on your needs and circumstances and work on them.

The problem with balancing work and life is that we focus ourselves too much on one of them leading to negligence of the other one and problems starts to surface. The solution lies in taking a balanced view over both of them. In this article we have discussed balancing the entire life in seven broad aspects. Of course, balancing life and work very much comes in its domain as well.

There are seven broad pillars on which the entire edifice of balanced life stands. It is indicated by the acronym WIRSHEF: Work, I (Myself), Relationships, Spiritualism, Health, Environment, Finances.

Conceptually, Wheel of Life and Rainbow of Life are the same as they address the same problem. However, there has been numerous variations in the wheel of life concept due to oldness of the analogy. On the other hand, as on date of this post, Rainbow of Life is a fresh analogy taken by MindAtop. Its 7 parameters try to cover the aspects as broadly as possible and required.